Socializing at Work Can Save Your Job

Catching up with a co-worker over coffee, or hashing out yesterday's football game with your boss may seem like a waste of a billable hour.  But it may actually save your job.

A study by Lynn Wu, a Research Assistant at Wharton, found social communication correlated with job retention.  In researching emails of 8000 workers at a firm over a two year period, Lynn found that those workers that socialized with their peers and bosses were more likely to keep their jobs.  In fact, compared with general billable revenue, social communication was a more important factor in not getting a pink slip.

The key words in emails that were at the top of Lynn's list for avoiding the layoffs were: lunch, coffee, football, and baseball. 

Bottom line: It is a Win-Win - make a friend at work and keep your job!

Contact Brooke for a free consultation.