Ten Strategies Lawyers Can Take From Entrepreneurs To Simplify Your Days And Avoid Stress

Ten members from the Young Entrepreneur Council each shared one specific strategy that they have found works well for simplifying their day and allowing them to take on their duties without added stress. Read on to learn about three of these methods:

1. Block Out Time For Distraction-Free Work

Finding a time of the day where you can block out certain hours to work without any distractions is one simple way to increase your productivity. This may look like taking half an hour daily to turn off notifications, communicate clear boundaries to your colleagues, and dedicate yourself to working through that set time completely distraction-free.

2. Focus On One Activity That Improves Your Life

It is helpful to prioritize one specific activity every few months that aligns with your personal and professional goals. This way, you can effectively concentrate your efforts and achieve meaningful improvements in your life. For example, doing whatever exercise you choose first thing each day will allow you to carry the satisfaction of knowing that you pushed one activity forward no matter how the rest of your day goes.

3. Consider What Keeps You Up At Night

Consider using the “up at night” planning strategy to ensure that you are focusing your time on the most impactful parts of your work. Try brainstorming the top things that keep you up at night and then put those at the top of your list when planning each work day. This may sound simple, but it is one effective way to keep your priorities organized and focus on what matters most!

Check out the Forbes article to learn more about these ten valuable tips here:
